El 22 de octubre de 2005 recogimos el primer premio en la ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Evens de Educación Intercultural 2005 en Amberes (Bélgica). Celebramos con alegría el décimo aniversario de la entrega de este premio europeo al proyecto INTER.
The first prize went to the Inter-project coordinated by UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia / Spanish Distance University – Madrid).
INTER: A practical Guide to implement Intercultural Education at school (Proyecto Sócrates Comenius 2.1, n.° 106223–CP–1–2002–1–COMENIUS–C21) is the title of a project whose aim is to improve quality of education and contribute to innovation in school by supporting them in the implementation of an intercultural approach. The project focuses on developing, utilising and validating a practical Guide for teacher training (both initial and in-service trainers) which facilitates analysis, implementation and improvement of Intercultural Education in school.
Reproducimos las palabras del jurado:
The jury considered the “Inter” project to be a very innovative and intercultural project which is capable of being transferred and implemented in schools, providing a practical tool for initial and in-service training of teachers.
La Guía INTER, elaborada en el marco de este proyecto, puede descargarse en http://www.uned.es/grupointer/colentremanos001pc.pdf
El material audiovisual que acompaña y complementa a la Guía INTER puede consultar en Canal UNED: https://canal.uned.es/serial/index/hash/3b9be7e15b46c42911f39a4a9e861022
Información e imágenes de la ceremonia de entrega de premios: http://www.evensfoundation.be/sites/default/files/ICE%20Prize%202005%20-%20Award%20ceremony.pdf